Saturday 14 May 2011

And some things do remain the same

Ben Franklin once remarked , "In this world, nothing is certain but death and tax".
In a world of constant change, where everything and everyone changes  I am amazed that few things still do remain the same.

I have been in London for almost 4 years now and as I was munching my Lemon Houmous Sandwich with Thai Sweet Potato soup from E.A.T, I do realise not all things necessarily change all the time, over the time.
Struck with this realisation while having my bite of this heavenly sandwich, I was pondering upon what else remained the same in my life for the past 4 years. (Now thinking about anything beyond that would be such a waste of time especially when I am meant to enjoy this sandwich and soup in a short period of time and afterwards dive straight into my work).

Although Lemon Houmous Sandwich has been a latest addition to a list of my favorites, E.A.T has always been a favorite place for a quick bite. For those of you unaware and unfamiliar with E.A.T, let me tell you, it's one of those few places in London where you get (at a reasonable price) fresh, healthy food mainly sandwiches and soup and the likes and gives Pret' A Manger and similar places, a run for their money. Everytime they introduce some new sandwiches or salad, I am amazed with how they get the ingredients and the combination right. Its so healthy(comparatively) and tasty too. My personal favorite has always been Gyozo Dumpling soup. Anyways the point is, this is the place I have been going for the past nearly 3 years and so and I can't count the number of Gyozo Dumpling soups I have bought from this place. And there is no intention of stopping the routine whatsoever.

Palmer's Cocoa Body Butter is another obsession that has successfully been with me longer than any of my relationships. So you see I have a very special bond with this body butter. Its so perfect for my skin that needs TLC every now and then. The smell is divinely(though I do have friends who do not like the smell of it). I personally love the Butter Scotchy smell  and for me, having tried other numerous body creams, no expensive or less-expensive body butters can replace this humble, hard working, delicious smelling body butter and this is why it remains at the top of my favorites' list to this date. And my love and reliance on it hasn't changed a bit over the years.

Finally, a TFL (Transport for London) employee at the Hanger Lane tube station is another existence that hasn't changed over the period of nearly 4 years now. He was the first person in London, to top up an Oyster for me when I was new to the city. He is a medium aged man. No actually, someone nearing the old age with a few strokes of white in his beard. He was kind but the encounter was brief and nothing friendly (unfriendly me who wouldn't talk to strangers then). But then everyday after that, on my way to work/college I would see this person, but we would be busy with our own ways and not show any signs of recognition or anything. Its London after all. Who has time? or so I thought. After nearly 2 years I moved places. A little farther but time and again when I do actually use the station sometimes I see this man and its the same expression of recognition but no friendly chat or simple "Hi"  and then I realise how some things don't change much over time. 

I agree, four years isn't a long time to expect a change but don't we all like to bask at the comfort and certainty  that a routine provides? Don't we just hang on to the things not necessarily because its the best but because we don't like the idea of having to adapt to a newness? No, thanks I am happy with the way things are Or No, thanks I am not happy with the way things are but would like to stick to it nevertheless. Who knows, there might be better body butters or sandwiches or dumpling soups out there that are waiting to be discovered and explored and who knows, the guy at the station is actually the twin brother of previous one (highly dramatic and unlikely prospect but still possible) or a totally different person and me being the one, bad at remembering faces and names, mistook both of them for the same person or his twin for that matter.

Either way, these things have stayed the same for me throughout the years or so I would like to think. But maybe I am too wrapped up in the comfort of the routine and should try something different. I am not sure about the Body Butter and the dumpling soup, but next time when I pass the station and regardless of whether its the other twin or a totally different person, I am going to smile at him. 
Maybe its time for me to change, and besides it doesn't cost me a penny to flash these calcified yellowish uneven structures in my jaw, that I call teeth.