Sunday 10 October 2010

As I get comfortable doing nothing at home, missing the gym class that I had planned to go and doing nothing particularly interesting, I try to give possible plausible explanations to my laziness. And the best part is I come with none. What is it about this laziness then? Well I am aware that laziness takes you nowhere (I'm pretty sure everyone is) but why do we still be lazy and not do things that needs to be done. Is it the answer to everything in life? Is it THE SECRET ? Well everyone knows had the student not been lazy he would have passed the exams with flying colours or had Gandhi been lazy, he wouldnt have been able to bring such a revolution in India.

And despite the knowledge,we prefer laziness. Maybe its mainly because its easier to be lazy than to put in our efforts and hard work. And its only human to always take the easier way out. It takes a lot to be determined, put in your hard work and most importantly be consistent with it. And that's where most people fail and only few succeed. And my friends, those few are the ones whom we get to see and read about in papers. Success definitely doesn't come easy.

And still with dreams so high and ambitions beyond the vastness of ocean, I fail to be anything else but LAZY.. :(

Saturday 2 October 2010

just another bookshop???

I discovered a paradise yesterday. Nestled in the buzzing Picadilly Circus, a few minutes’ walk from the tube station, I never noticed or even imagined that the grand Waterstone’s at Picadilly Circus would outlive the expectation of its exterior grandeur. I am finally realising how I missed on so many beautiful things about the modern -in-an-ancient way city that I have been calling home for three years now. And I knew this was only the beginning.

One of my colleagues took me to this place and I was awed at the mere glimpse of it . I thought to myself how I failed to notice this place before (or was it an underrating on my side?). While I was trying to enter through the glass door, I saw one of the staffs taking off the posters from the doors that signified that we missed Cheryl Cole’s autobiography signing by an hour or so. Not a fan of Cheryl Cole but well you could tell this Waterstone’s was not like any of its other branches. And call me a bookworm or a nerd, as soon as I entered the shop I was jumping at books trying to gobble every one of them. It was like a child being let loose in Hamley’s store and I wanted most of the books displayed there and it was only the ground floor to start with. Me and my friend took the lift to the fourth floor which had the Philosophy section and that’s where my friend had to buy the book from. Sofas at different places, nice music in the background and possibly every book printed in the world about various subjects, now what more could you ask for? I fell in love with the place instantly. I took a good 5-6 books and started leafing through them. It was really relaxing. And the best part was it had a cafĂ© and a bar as well and it opened till late. The view from the bar on the top floor was just amazing. Getting used to the view from a height is a rare experience in England, what with its old not so high buildings and no terrace/balcony apart from the apartments and some grand offices in the city.

Nevertheless, I am in love with this city. It’s a case of falling in love with the person whom you hated at the first sight. Its like gradually falling in love with someone whom you never considered you’d fall in love with. And then one day, Baaamm!!! You realise you’ve been love struck. But like all the confusions at all times, I fail to understand , have I really fallen in love with this city that is slowly unravelling its mystical beauty over time or have I got used to it? Now being in love and getting used to are clearly two different things or aren’t they?

With ever present confusions and blurred lines aside, I am simply happy at this undiscovered find. Yeah I know it’s a big deal for me, but trust me, try to leave everything behind and enter this Waterstones’ and you’ll enjoy one of the best few hours of your life. ;)

And no, Waterstone's didn't pay me for this article :)