Sunday 10 October 2010

As I get comfortable doing nothing at home, missing the gym class that I had planned to go and doing nothing particularly interesting, I try to give possible plausible explanations to my laziness. And the best part is I come with none. What is it about this laziness then? Well I am aware that laziness takes you nowhere (I'm pretty sure everyone is) but why do we still be lazy and not do things that needs to be done. Is it the answer to everything in life? Is it THE SECRET ? Well everyone knows had the student not been lazy he would have passed the exams with flying colours or had Gandhi been lazy, he wouldnt have been able to bring such a revolution in India.

And despite the knowledge,we prefer laziness. Maybe its mainly because its easier to be lazy than to put in our efforts and hard work. And its only human to always take the easier way out. It takes a lot to be determined, put in your hard work and most importantly be consistent with it. And that's where most people fail and only few succeed. And my friends, those few are the ones whom we get to see and read about in papers. Success definitely doesn't come easy.

And still with dreams so high and ambitions beyond the vastness of ocean, I fail to be anything else but LAZY.. :(

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