Tuesday 23 August 2011

Where do all the missing socks go???

One of the greatest mysteries of life: "Where do all the missing socks go?" While I was running late for my work this morning , yes you guessed it, because of the missing socks, I was wondering where the hell do all the missing socks go? You can't seem to find a proper matched pair and all of them gone missing most of the times. Now I am sure, this is not just the case of very bad organisational skills. So is there really a "Sock Fairy" that secretly takes our socks away?

And predictable enough, I thought why not google it while at work and I came across this funny link. It explains the Sock Theory (Yes, there seems to be one!!!)  and other related theories that probably aims to explain where all the missing socks go and other interesting things. 

Well, this theory doesn't necessarily help me get to work on time or even help me have a properly matched pair of socks at least once a week, but hey at least now I know, people have been speculating on the possibilty of there being a black hole or something where all the socks go. Imagine when the world ends(2012??) and what if after a big bang there were socks raining everywhere.. Aha!! there you go..You'll find your missing socks..And do thank me then.
You're welcome ;)

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you put your thoughts into word...!! Reading your article, I felt like you are new into this world of words.

    Anyways, I can see a ray of hope for your stability and continuity..!! Best of luck
