Monday 22 August 2011

Why Anne Hathaway?

This week I am not looking forward to Wednesday at all. Yeah that’s right. Usually, Wednesdays are my favourite day of the week since Wednesday means we’re halfway through the week and Friday nights seem just round the corner.  But this Wednesday, it’s the first screening of “One Day”. My love of last summer made into a movie. I was absolutely thrilled, after the overwhelming success of this David Nicholl’s book, to have found out that there will be a movie adaptation of the book only to be disappointed later. 

Movie adaptation of a favourite book can be a thrilling experience for any book lover especially if the book was one of the much favoured. But it can be equally despairing if the adaptation turns out to be nothing more than a lousy attempt. And the movie “One Day” is what exactly it seems set to be. 

To start with, why did Lone Scherfig cast Anne Hathaway for the role of Emma? It’s one of the mysteries doing rounds these days, among book lovers like us who think Anne Hathaway doesn’t justify the role of Emma. And the Yorkshire accent ? After seeing the trailer, I’m thinking, which accent is the director talking about? Those of you who’ve read the book will understand why Anne Hathaway is so inappropriate for the role. Our beloved, dear, warm and average-looking Emma, not some doe-eyed American ,with a wide smile; who have had perhaps a little less training on accent?

Now I am not complaining that Americans shouldn’t have been given the role at all. Renee Zellweger performed brilliantly in Bridget Jones’ Diary (and Yes, I mean the accent too).
And Jim Sturgess as Dexter? Lets not even get there. Dexter , from the book, is painfully handsome with striking features. Couldn’t they have done with Jake Gyllenhaal or maybe some fresh face?

It’s like having a bad taste left in the mouth after a sumptuous meal. But oh well, like my cousin suggested, it might be a little too late to write to the director about the disapproval of the readers regarding the cast. So I might as well just shut up and go watch the movie. Although I don’t know how much I will be moaning throughout the 108 mins. Will post my review after I watch the movie.
Meanwhile check out some more articles suggesting maybe Anne Hathaway wasn't a great choice.

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